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Who is your daddy? why does it matter

How do you respond to “Who’s your daddy?” For some it is a song about a Sugar Daddy, for others it is a simple query about his parents. Many times, the question is answered before the words are spoken. We carry proof of who our dad is.

For girls, dad is their first love. He has taught her what to expect from the men in her life. If his influence was strong, he will demand respect and sincerity from a boyfriend or potential partner. She will expect doors to be opened for her and that the man who accompanies her understands her value and treats her as she should. She expects any potential boyfriend or partner to live up to the standard her dad taught her. She has learned the value of her femininity from the main man in her life.

For the boys, Dad has taught them what kind of man they should strive to become. A strong fatherly influence is shown in the way he treats the girls in her life, including her brothers. It is reflected in how quickly she accepts responsibility for her actions and the things she hopes to accomplish in life. He walks taller, stands prouder and is willing to step up when the occasion calls for it. He is eager and proud to be a man. He has learned how to become a man and what that means from the main male influence in his life.

So who’s your dad? Her influence or lack thereof will be felt throughout his life. Children must be taught the immeasurable importance of being a positive influence in their children’s lives, regardless of their relationship with their mother. Both roles are important for any child who hopes to grow up with a healthy outlook on life. Unfortunately, men tend to withdraw and ignore their responsibility to their children more easily than mothers, perhaps never understanding the impact of their actions. They matter and they need to know this from their own child training.

If your children have a father who is unwilling or unable to be a strong, consistent, positive influence in the family, find a surrogate to fill the role. Ask a grandparent or other mature adult male who is willing to set much-needed standards, guidelines, and examples to promote a healthy attitude about adulthood in every boy’s life. Even if it makes you uncomfortable, or you think you’re doing a great job being both parents, the benefits a positive male influence will bring to your sons’ attitude about themselves and what’s expected of them in life are endless.

The answer to ‘Who is your dad’ is written about us and is reflected in our values ​​about life and our own self-esteem.


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