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Three things to consider before adopting a hedgehog

It is a big responsibility and you have to do a lot of research before adopting a hedgehog. To help you with your decision, let’s look at the trivial things that need to be considered before adoption.

Temperature tactics

Hedgehogs are tropical creatures, so proper temperature modulation is required to keep them healthy. The temperature can range from 72 Fahrenheit (22 degrees Celsius) to 75 Fahrenheit (24 degrees Celsius) depending on the requirements of the hedgehog, which can be measured by regular monitoring.

A heater can be used in the room where the hedgehog is kept to keep the room warm at all times.

A ceramic heat emitter or space heater could be used. It is essential to keep the environment warm because cold surroundings can make the hedgehog sick and even cause its death. The hedgehog should also be exposed to light for at least 12 hours every day.

Home sweet home (cage specifications)

Adopting a hedgehog is not an easy task. You have to make sure that the little pet stays healthy and healthy in its cage. The little spiked ball requires ample room to move. Therefore, a cage of about 3-4 square feet should be preferred.

The cage must be made of glass or plastic and must be well ventilated. Another important aspect to consider is that the cage has high walls so that the hedgehog cannot get out of the cage.

Hedgehogs travel long distances in search of food. Containment would definitely be a detour for the little creature. It is advisable to add a wheel to the cage to keep it occupied. The wheel should be approximately 10 “-12” in diameter and should have a solid floor. It should also be cleaned regularly as the hedgehog could defecate on the wheel. The bucket wheel is an excellent option.

Hedgehogs are nocturnal creatures, that is, they are active at night. Therefore, the cage should not be placed in the bedroom if you do not want to be disturbed while you sleep. Some hedgehogs can show a certain amount of activity during the day, but they generally prefer to save all their running at night.

The cage should have solid floors. It should be devoid of holes, wires, loose threads, and rungs to ensure that the hedgehog’s delicate little feet are not injured. For bedding, dried pine shavings or fabric cage liner can be used.

Do not use cedar bedding or corn on the cob under any circumstances, as they will cause respiratory problems. If any other form of bedding is used, make sure the hedgehog is comfortable in it and does not eat it, as it could suffocate him.

Fresh food and water should be provided to the hedgehog every day in its cage. Make sure high protein foods like chicken or egg white are given. Hedgehogs eat insects, so silkworms, crickets, and mealworms add up to a sumptuous feast for them.

Hedgehog adoption– A blessing for life

Like other pets, hedgehogs crave love and attention. Not all hedgehogs are friendly and fast learners. You have to be patient if you want your hedgehog pet to trust you.

Remember not to punish him for such activities. As with humans, you must work to build a friendly relationship with him. Once the hedgehog trusts you and responds to your love, you will enjoy playing with the adorable bit of joy. Adopting a hedgehog is a blessing for life. Therefore, be proud that you have given a new life to an endangered soul.


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