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Top ten favorite movies of all time to watch

Whether you are looking for good movies to rent or want to download torrents of your favorite movies; you should always make the right choice. Here we bring for you the list of top ten favorite movies of all time that would really make your time extraordinary.

* The Exorcist-1973

If you love watching horror movies and have a real passion for enjoying bona fide horror, “The Exorcist” is well worth a watch. It revolves around the story of a boy whose father wants to save his son from supernatural power. Director William Friedkin has put a real effort into making the viewer terrified with the feeling of terror.

*Before sunset-2004

Bringing a sensational and deep combination of feelings of love and sadness; Richard Linklater’s movie just makes it an ideal movie to enjoy perfectly. Close to reality, and including the taste of sweetness with a true touch of romance; the film can certainly be counted among the best films of the decade.

* Wild Heart-1990

The film seems old to see in the year 2010; but it’s still fun to watch if you really put in the effort to enjoy the truth of romance. It is the story of Marinero and Lula; They find a new world of excitement and enjoyment after escaping from their mother.

*Hard to die

Although there are plenty of action movies in town that make it into the list of good movies to watch; but “Die hard” is the best action movie worth watching. It can be counted as one of the all-time favorites that has emotion, strength, bravery and the best amalgamation of feelings.

* My best friend’s Wedding

Julia Roberts’ best performance was seen in this movie that revolves around her best friend’s wedding. She has romance and enjoyment with an exciting mix of feelings of love and excitement. It is certainly a great option to enjoy with your partner.

* The Social Network-2010

Directed by Jesse Eisenberg and Andrew Garfield; the movie really represents the power of social media. It reveals the geniuses of a college student, who changes things through his intellectual abilities.


An all-time favorite action thriller from Catherine McCormack and Sophie Marceau, which casts a spell on the viewer into the true world of one man’s bravery and strength, which basically comes to light after the murder of his wife.


The biggest release of 2010 shows a new world of love and emotion. This animated movie has won several awards, for its unique and refreshing story. It is worth seeing and enjoying it with the family.

* Forrest Gump

Forrest Gump is the best Tom Hanks comedy that would have you kneeling down to your toes clutching your belly. Enjoy it with your friends, family or partner on any occasion, and set your mood.

* The unborn

This movie is counted among the best thrilling horror movies of all time. A real thrill with a great story.


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