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Health Fitness

Use magic spells for your lower abs workout

In this article, I’m going to reveal some ‘magic’ spells on lower abs training that could make the likes of Harry Potter and his friends look like the ‘Three Stooges’ by comparison. However, as any magician will tell you, good magic is all about creating an illusion.

1. The ‘Sit at your desk’ spell

If you’re an office geek and have to spend long hours at your desk at work, you’re probably justified in complaining about a lack of time for anything, including exercise.

But wait… for this ‘spell’ to be effective, all you need is a desk! And a desk is what you have. Sit in your chair behind the desk and pull in your stomach as much as possible. Hold this position for as long as you can. Repeat as many times as you can during your workday.

2. The spell ‘Watch what you eat’

Have you been fooled by my title? Do you expect something to emerge from your meal that, if you look at it, will magically trim your lower abs? I’m not suggesting anything so esoteric, I’m afraid, I’m just asking you to be careful with your diet.

Avoid soft drinks, commercial fried foods, processed meats, sugar, salt, and foods high in saturated fat. Instead, opt for an edible diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, grains, and lean meats.

3. The ‘magic ladder’ spell

Finally, I have given you a caption with the word ‘magic’. You must be curious as to where my ‘magic’ staircase is. The answer: everywhere. Every stair you find is a magic stair, as long as you decide to climb it.

I know it must be tempting to take that elevator and get to your destination faster without breaking a sweat. Opt for stairs instead, whenever you find them, and soon you’ll start to wonder why you bothered using elevators. You can start small (doing about 3 flights initially) and gradually increase it by one or two flights. This third ‘spell’ will act as a cardiovascular supplement to the ab workout I have listed in the ‘spell’ under heading one, above.

Your lower abs are harder to trim. So if you’re short on time or too much of a couch potato for any ‘serious’ exercise, you should think outside the box and work your exercise routine into your regular daily activities so that you reap maximum benefits without noticeable effort. You’ll know you’ve arrived when your friends greet you with, “Hey Houdini, you look great!”


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