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What Are the Ingredients in Crystal Flush For Toenail Fungus?

Crystal Flush For Toenail Fungus

Have you ever wondered about what are the ingredients in crystal flush for toenail fungus? The product has been around since the 1970’s but did it really cure toenail fungus? That is a question many people want to know the answer to. The reason that people are interested in this product is because it does have a home remedy type of a treatment for toenail fungus.

The home remedy part of this product is that it does use actual crystals. There are actually two different types of crystals that are used. The first type of crystals is known as colloidal silver. The crystals are placed into a suspension and then are added to an alcohol base. The solution is then applied directly to the infected toenail.

crystal flush

After the application of the liquid to the toenail, the nails grow back naturally. The second type of crystal that is used in the product is known as colloidal copper. When applied to the toenail fungus, the growth cycle of the nail stops. The product will continue to work even after the fungus has died. The reason why this works is that the copper ions are added to the liquid that was mixed with the crystals.

What Are the Ingredients in Crystal Flush For Toenail Fungus?

The copper ions found in the solution work to neutralize the toxins in the toenail fungus. As the toxins are neutralized, the growth of the nail stops. Although there is still pus from the infection, you will not be able to see any swelling from the liquid. The crystals work quickly to kill any bacteria and prevent new nail infections from occurring. Because this is a natural process, it works to cure toenail fungus without the need for prescription medications or over-the-counter drugs.

If you are looking for products that will get rid of toenail fungus and have tried most of the commercially available remedies, then you should know that there are other products on the market that can help. It is important to do your research so that you can find what are the ingredients in crystal flush for toenail fungus. There are products that are made with all natural ingredients. These types of products are the ones that you want to look for. Natural products are also generally less expensive. You will need to take the time to look for the right products to make sure that you are getting what you want.

The best products will contain three ingredients: tea tree oil, silver and Borax powder. All three of these ingredients work together to help cure your problem. Tea tree oil works by penetrating the infected area and soothing inflammation while silver kills the infection. Finally, the Borax powder will help restore your nails to their healthy state. Since you have probably tried all of the commercially available products to get rid of toenail fungus, you will be able to see results from a product that uses natural ingredients. When you are looking for products that are what are the ingredients in crystal flush for toenail fungus, you will be able to find products that work and keep results that last.


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