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What can I drink on the Candida diet?

The candida diet is the main course of treatment for a medical condition known as candidiasis. Thrush is characterized by an overgrowth of Candida albicans in the intestinal system that releases toxins into the body and eventually causes health problems. The candida diet eliminates certain foods and ingredients that are believed to exacerbate this condition. These eliminated foods feed the Candida albicans, thus encouraging it to grow and multiply. As long as Candida albicans has an abundant food supply, it will continue to wreak havoc on the body. Sugar, processed foods, dairy products, preservatives, vinegar, glutinous cereals, and even fruit are initially off-limits on the candida diet. With so many foods and ingredients eliminated, many are frustrated trying to find things they can still enjoy eating and drinking on the diet.

Since all types of sugar are eliminated on the candida diet, figuring out what to drink on the diet can be a difficult task. Many of us are used to drinking soda, fruit juice, iced tea, and other sugar-laden beverages, and these are often difficult for candida dieters to give up entirely. Additionally, many of us who have tried other diets may be dismayed to discover that the diet soda and “light” juice varieties we rely on so much are no longer allowed on the candida diet, as they contain artificial sweeteners. Artificial sweeteners such as aspartame and sucralose have been found to feed candida in the same way as regular sugar, and there are other health concerns associated with the use of these sweeteners. However, old habits die hard, so to make this transition a little easier, it’s a good idea to identify which beverages are okay to drink on the candida diet.

Water it is the best option for a healthy diet, not just the candida diet. The human body is made up of approximately 70% water. Water is a vital component of our organs and tissues and we need adequate water intake to ensure optimal body function. When we do not take in enough water, the body steals it from the organs and tissues and that is when the symptoms of dehydration appear. Symptoms of dehydration can include fatigue, constipation, headaches, weakness, and nausea. Keeping the body properly hydrated with water is also a good idea when it comes to overcoming thrush, as it will help flush toxins out of the body. Most candida dietary guidelines suggest not drinking tap water due to the potential toxins it contains, but purchasing a water filtration pitcher like Brita can help reduce toxins in tap water. You can also buy bottled spring or purified water if you prefer. It may seem like drinking water is boring, but it doesn’t have to be with options like sparkling mineral water and sparkling mineral water. Try adding lemon or lime slices to sparkling or sparkling mineral water and you’ll feel like you’re enjoying a cocktail.

Herbs tea may be an option for some on the candida diet. Most candida dietary guidelines recommend staying away from tea and coffee due to caffeine and potential mold contamination from tea leaves, but many candida dieters have found they can tolerate herbal teas . Green tea is an excellent choice as it provides antioxidants that protect against free radical damage. Pau d’Arco is another herbal tea made from the bark of a tree native to the rainforest. The tea appears to have some medicinal benefits and has helped many thrush sufferers. You can use stevia, a natural plant-based sweetener tolerated by most candida dieters, to sweeten your herbal teas and then serve them hot or cold.

To learn more about living yeast-free by following the candida diet, visit Yeast-Free Living.


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