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What Do Pen Testers Do?

Pen Testers

What do pen testers do? Essentially, pen testers conduct testing using various tools. They use their skills to probe the system and make hypotheses about how it works. Pen testers are trained to find vulnerabilities and use different tools to identify them. Pen testers can use a wide range of tools, such as a virtual machine, to test systems. Then, they report their findings to the security team. These testers have various training levels and can work for any level of organization.

Pen testers are also known as ethical hackers or white hats. Although pen testers don’t need a college degree, most organizations prefer to hire individuals with some college experience. Computer Science majors can acquire the basics of hacking. Other options are specialized hacking training programs or online certification courses. Regardless of your level of expertise, it is beneficial to take a certification course or get training in ethical hacking.

In addition to being knowledgeable about computers and software, penetration testers also need to have solid networking skills. They need to know how hackers operate and have a thorough knowledge of TCP/IP, UDP, ARP, and DHCP. Most pen testers spend their time performing assessments and conducting tests, which can be either internal or external assets. Pen testers may work on-site or remotely. They often spend a great deal of time on site or in a simulated environment to ensure that all systems are secure.

What Do Pen Testers Do?

As a pen tester, you must have strong report-writing skills. Despite being an expert in identifying vulnerabilities and weaknesses, you must also be able to write a complete report describing the findings. A full report is required for LPT certification. Having this credential can also help you get a job as a pen tester. It will be useful if you are the manager of an IT-security division.

According to Payscale, a career as a pen tester pays $87,000 a year. The lower end of the range makes $59,000 a year. On the higher end of the spectrum, they earn $138,000 a year. Pay rates tend to be higher in leading tech hubs and major metro areas. While pen testers are generally well-paid, the job can be fast-paced and stressful. So, what do pen testers do?

Pen testing is an ethical hacking practice that attempts to find security flaws in existing systems. Penetration testers also perform a full risk assessment of an organization’s IT security. It helps prevent security breaches, lose consumer confidence, and implement sound digital security measures. It is often referred to as ethical hacking because of its ethical implications. If you are interested in becoming a pen tester, you should consider taking the LPT (Master) exam, which is a specialized certification.


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