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What’s wrong with being sensitive?

Have you often been told, “Why are you so sensitive?” like there’s something wrong with being sensitive?

Somehow, there is a negative connotation to being sensitive. It is implied that one is being “emotional” or “overreacting.” Most cultures do not seem to support sensitive people, possibly because they are considered “weak” or “feminine.”

Could not be farther from the truth. Being sensitive is essentially being more in tune with one’s sensory perceptions and being more “aware” in the process. This can naturally make one more intuitive, perceptive, creative, empathetic, spiritual, and passionate.


When the senses can absorb much more information and process it more deeply than most, one can reach a higher level of understanding. Sensitive people have an innate tendency to pick up subtle information in all areas of life; like nonverbal cues, making them pick up on nuances in meaning better than most. Processing experiences, situations, and possibilities in a deeper and more complete way sharpens one’s acuity. With such keen observation comes the power of perception.


Having acquired penetrating knowledge, it often leads to great intuition. Sensitive people have the amazing ability to acquire knowledge without inferences or the use of reason. They can somehow “feel the truth without explanation.” In reality, all the necessary information has already been captured and processed at a deeper level. Thus, allowing them to discern.


Sensitive people are also more emphatic, as they can get under the skin of others and see from their point of view. All thanks to being able to feel the emotions of others, sometimes as if they were his own. Being able to put yourself in the shoes of others, allowing them to understand the needs of others and how you would feel when the needs are not met or are misinterpreted. Therefore, they are able to provide better for others and tend to be more courteous in their communication. These people often form deep and loving friendships, as well as other relationships. They are obviously good caregivers and a typical friend in need.


Creativity is a trait that is often associated with sensitive people. Being demanding and being very in tune with sensory skills encourages creativity to thrive. The gift of connecting seemingly unrelated things and putting them into original concepts makes sensitive people the “high priest” of creativity and innovation.

Passionate and ‘intense’

When one feels deeply, one experiences life and all its emotions intensely. Therefore, sensitive people are often passionate and intense, which can be a double-edged sword. They tend to focus on problems and focus on solving a problem or sharing a problem that forces them very hard. Therefore, they experience all the emotions of life at a level far beyond what others usually experience.


Sensitive people are often blessed with spiritual awareness, though not necessarily religious. By being in touch with their spiritual selves, sensitive people can easily discover their paths in life and in others. They also have this curiosity to ponder and unearth the meaning of life and other mysteries of life.

The few selected

About 20% of the total population is endowed with this misunderstood notion called sensitivity. Apparently it is also found in 20% of other species, from fruit flies to primates. Certainly, this is not an accident of evolution when it selects for rather than against such a trait. These select few are chosen to observe the world, reflect and consider the consequences before action. Sensitive people are understandably excellent strategists, planners, advisers, counselors, teachers, trainers, managers, historians, scientists, law interpreters, therapists, artists, musicians, writers, visionaries, healers, psychics, and many more.

All great nations must think hard enough and deliberate on the long-term consequences of their actions. Sensitive people are perfect for jobs that fill those roles. In fact, having insensitive people in such jobs could be detrimental, as long-term goals can be sacrificed for short-term gains or one-dimensional decisions that could be made. Sensitive people, on the other hand, may be in jobs that are not normally considered “suitable” for them. For example, they can be excellent police officers. Their keen perception and intuition allow them to feel problems before anyone else. Blessed with exceptional emotional sensors, the actual criminal is also more likely to be discovered among various suspects.

How to turn challenges into blessings

As with all gifts, come your challenges. It is important to first be aware of the various challenges of being a sensitive person and then learn to navigate through a society that is not very receptive to such unique individuals. Finally, strategically make room for yourself using your gift.


One of the challenges is being overstimulated by the senses, which can result in sensory overwhelming. If you feel overwhelmed, monitor the level of stimulation and take steps to adjust it to a comfortable one. Get away from an overstimulated situation to give yourself a break. Getting to the bathroom for a short respite is a helpful method. Taking steps to slow down and order one’s schedule helps avoid overstimulation. Taking short breaks in the middle of a stressful or busy period alleviates any feelings of overload.

Doing something completely different, like housework or e-mailing a favorite cousin, can be strangely therapeutic. Breathing deeply also helps tremendously. Relaxing music, meditation, exercise, and soothing essential oils like lavender and lemongrass can all be part of this “survival kit.” Prepare your ‘survival kit’ in advance so that it will come in handy when you need it. Essentially, remember to nurture your own soul to avoid feeling drained. Only by taking good care of yourself can you use your gift to help others.

Affected by the emotions of others

Identify the cause of your own negative emotion. Is it your own or someone else’s? You could have absorbed negative energy from the people around you. Try to physically distance yourself from this negative source, as the energy fields overlap very closely.

Focus with deep breathing and exhale negativity, inhaling positive energy. This helps purify negative emotions. Visualize negative energy as gray mist rising from the body and positive energy as golden light entering. Strengthen your emotional center by sending positive energy to the solar plexus with the palm of your hand. This eliminates negativity at the same time. Imagine a protective shield around yourself that blocks negative energy but allows positive energy to pass through. This is a powerful tool that many people, including healers, use to protect themselves. Partner with people who have a positive outlook, as hope is contagious.

Observe the energy fields around yourself instead of absorbing them. In this way, one would not be affected by the negative energy or the perpetual rush that occurs around us.

Planning a suitable career for sensitive people

Since traditional work culture may not be conducive to sensitive people, creating suitable work is critical. Adapt current job to better suit or create your own position, work in less conventional companies and positions, or simply start your own business.

Sensitive people need work that resonates with their soul and feeds their mind and heart. Only work that stems from their passion and is their true calling would work for them. Work that offers intangible rewards and is meaningful, intellectually stimulating, and creatively satisfying is best suited to sensitive individuals. Sensitive people also need an enabling environment that allows them to work independently with privacy.

Since finding the right job can be challenging, sensitive people need not only to tap into their inner awareness to let their intuition guide them towards their true nature, but also to seek support on their journey of self-discovery. You should turn to a life coach, a therapist, a counselor, and friends. Journal work and personality discovery could also be facilitated. Once you’ve found the job that best meets your needs, don’t be afraid to put your sensitivity into practice. Make it work for you. Make use of your own knowledge and creativity; Let your caring and thoughtful nature enhance interpersonal relationships with co-workers.

Be ‘intense’

Sensitive people are often very emotionally intense people. “Intense” personalities have often been told to “relax” and not “take things too seriously” or “think too much.” But that’s what an “intense” person is like. Such personalities are deeply and strongly felt.

At best, these people are considered to be compulsive or distant or, at worst, have a personality disorder. Being able to articulate why you feel this way and share your feelings helps others understand you better. Journaling, art and music, or even physical exercise are ways to allow “intense” personalities to express themselves constructively.

Another effective method of dealing with this intensity is to be aware of your own emotions and let them pass through yourself without judgment. In this way, he would be aware of his emotions but would not be affected by them.

Don’t apologize for being sensitive

As we can see, sensitive people are often misunderstood people. You don’t need to apologize for being sensitive, because we are who we are. Sensitive people are put on this earth to fulfill their special role. Learning to love yourself and know that you deserve the best awakens the power to heal and inspire others, allowing you to turn a perceived limitation into a blessing.

So the next time someone says, “Why are you so sensitive?” Please reply unapologetically that you have been gifted with this unique gift.


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