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Abdominal exercises for spondylolisthesis

Choosing the correct type of abdominal exercises for spondylolisthesis is a vital part of a proper recovery. Large numbers of people diagnosed with spondylolisthesis or spondylolysis are instructed to strengthen their nucleus. The immediate reaction is to run home and do thousands of sit-ups. But this approach could cause additional damage to the spine.

Why abs are hard on the spine

The June 9, 2009 issue of Newsweek ran an article titled “Stop Doing Sit-Ups: Why Abs Don’t Work.” This article referred to the findings of Stuart McGill, professor of biomechanics of the spine. Dr. McGill’s studies found that excessive and repetitive bending and bending movement of the spine can lead to disc bulges and even hernias. Dr. McGill’s study revealed that a full crunch can put up to 730 pounds of compression on the spine.

Since these studies were published, various therapists, strength trainers, and physicians have reduced their use of abs. Debate is a hot topic in the field of fitness, as the back is one of the areas of the body that is most often injured.

Not good for spondylolisthesis and spondylolysis

It’s one thing if someone has a perfectly healthy spine and does sit-ups, but for those suffering from spondylolisthesis or spondylolysis, the abs should be removed from their abdominal exercises to avoid the stress mentioned above. Doing sit-ups is just adding fuel to the fire that is already burning.

The push-up movement performed while doing sit-ups is a position that most spondylolisthesis patients find themselves in on a daily basis. Imagine the midpoint of a sitting, it is almost identical to a sitting position. Bent hips and a rounded back can cause spondylolisthesis sufferers additional pain due to the muscles it is affecting.

It is important to combat these positions rather than imitate them to avoid aches and pains.

Less stressful abs exercises

If the abs are not safe, what should be done to strengthen the core?

The answer is to keep your spine neutral during abdominal exercises, especially when beginning to exercise after a diagnosis. A neutral spine is exactly what it sounds like. A nice straight and controlled spine.

Most of the time, people with spondylolisthesis have little control and strength in the muscles that help protect and move the spine. When performing multi-joint movements, these support groups do a poor job and the back takes over. The back is not conditioned to perform these movements and, finally, pain appears.

The goal is to start out easy and build strength in the supporting areas of the spine. You want to target the muscles in the hips, core, and glutes.

A very common neutral spine abdominal exercise is planks or floats. Planks are performed by lying on the ground with the elbows directly below the shoulders. The elbows are bent at a 90 degree angle. Then a bridge is performed with the whole body lifted off the ground with the elbows and toes in contact with the ground. Your shoulders, hips, and legs should be in a straight line, and most importantly, your back should be straight. The abdominal muscles contract for support. Begin by holding the position for 15 seconds and work your way up to 45 seconds to build much-needed strength.

Planks are just one example of many abdominal spondylolisthesis exercises that are safe for the spine. The most important thing is to avoid exercises that cause additional pain.


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