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What is your reason for not sleeping at night?

Take a moment to look at the clock on your computer. What time is it while you are reading this article? Are you awake in the middle of the night browsing through articles on the internet because you can’t sleep? Have you landed on this site after playing an hour of solitaire and watching sitcom reruns on cable? Perhaps you are worried about a loved one who is having difficulty getting a good night’s sleep. We need seven to eight hours of quality sleep each night, and many areas of our lives suffer when this doesn’t happen. Our motor skills and reaction time are diminished, our job performance is hampered, and we are likely to face more bouts of depression. I’m sure we can all list the ways sleep deprivation affects us specifically, but do you know the main reasons why insomnia occurs in the first place?

One of the most basic reasons people struggle with insomnia is that their lives are overloaded. Even when they finally get into bed, their minds are still racing a thousand miles an hour with thoughts of all the tasks they have to do the next day. Hormones are also a problem for women in their attempts to get a good night’s rest. In fact, more than 70% of women complain of trouble sleeping during their menstrual cycle. This could be due to bloating, cramps, or mood disorders. In some cases, a sleep disorder such as sleep apnea, snoring, or restless leg syndrome may be to blame. Finally, a person suffering from depression is much more likely to have difficulty relaxing and sleeping at night.

There are a variety of options available to someone who is looking for a way to solve their insomnia problems. In fact, there are entire clinics and a field of medicine dedicated solely to sleep disorders. Pharmaceutical companies will be happy to recommend drugs that help people fall asleep at night. Of course, let’s not forget mom’s favorite remedy of a glass of warm milk! If you haven’t found the solution that helps you sleep at night and feel refreshed when your alarm clock rings in the morning, I’d like to suggest another option.

Hypnotherapy is a safe and proven method of relieving many of the issues that may be holding your life back, including insomnia. Through relaxation techniques and the unlocking of your unconscious mind, a trained therapist can uncover the main reasons why you are not allowing yourself to rest and retrain your thought process to achieve true relaxation. Whether you’re focused on an unpleasant point of stress, reliving a child’s nighttime struggles, or stuck in a bout of depression, hypnotherapy can remove the blip from your mind and you’ll sleep better. And, the improvements will be permanent. If you’re tired (literally!) of walking around in a cloud of exhaustion every day and know that your life could be more fulfilling if you could make insomnia a problem of the past, I hope you’ll consider clinical hypnotherapy as a possible prescription. for your bread


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