
We think and build.

Digital Marketing

How digital marketing was born

Marketing has been an important aspect since unknown times, the demand and supply of items made the exchange of resources a necessity. Shortly after the invention of computers, changes such as storage of large amounts of data could be seen…

Estimation techniques to use in the Agile SCRUM world (The ART of WAG-Eng)

The focus of this article is the estimation aspect of the product backlog. For additional information on SCRUM, do a search on Google or YouTube. There are many sites and videos that will give you an overview in no time….

Are video games bad for children and why do people stop playing video games as adults?

That is why many people think that some video games are too violent and can damage a child’s mind. I know from personal experience that I was allowed to play violent games as a kid and I don’t go around…

Avoid tunnel vision of marketing metrics

Marketing companies and especially digital marketing companies are focused on cultivating a data-driven culture. With digital media famously being the most measurable channel available to brands and marketers today, it’s no surprise that agencies have become a bit obsessed with…

Best Google Website Tools in 2018

Google Analytics In this digital age, the importance of data to a business/website should never be underestimated. In fact, without proper tracking of website traffic, a business is literally lost, especially when it comes to optimizing the website and getting…

Tips for creating your own marketing strategy

Developing and creating a marketing strategy is essential for any type and form of business. If you don’t have one, it is imperative that you create one, your efforts, time and money are likely to be inefficient and useless. You…

Digital Marketing

Good books on MLM: some recommendations for you

The main money makers in MLM are voracious readers. But of the thousands of books available on home businesses, MLM prospecting, and MLM team building, the following five books stand out. When you’re ready to take your network marketing business…

The simple way to market any business

You’ve no doubt heard of the KISS principle: “Keep it simple, stupid.” Or as I like to say… “keep it simple, dumbass.” KISS has been around the block several times. In fact, it was a design principle observed by the…

Demand creation with email newsletters

You have launched your website. She implemented a public relations campaign and spent loads of money on advertising in trade journals, magazines and newspapers. But daily visitors to her site are still in the single digits and her sales areā€¦…

Using RSS as part of your social media marketing strategy

What is your strategy when it comes to inserting social media marketing into the mix of your overall internet marketing strategy? Do you plan to use Twitter? Facebook? My space? LinkedIn? Ning of gold? No matter what your strategy is,…