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Health Fitness

Home fitness equipment and you

There are many good reasons why you should care about your physical health and protect yourself from the increasing number of heart disease, diabetes, and obesity that threaten both men and women today. Home fitness equipment allows you to get…

lactase enzyme

Introduction: People with lactose intolerance cannot fully digest the sugar in milk. As a result, they have diarrhea, gas, and bloating after eating or drinking dairy products. The condition, which is also called lactose malabsorption, is usually harmless, but its…

My 5 Minute Healthy Chocolate Fudge Recipe – Yes, It’s Healthy

As a Certified Nutrition Specialist, I like to find ways to make delicious foods that most people may not believe are actually healthy for you. If you have a sweet tooth like me, I’m sure you’ve tried to find ways…

What are isometric exercises and what can they do for you?

What are isometric exercises? Simply put, they are a form of training that does not require any movement. When performing an isometric contraction, the joint angle and length of the muscle do not change. Isometric comes from the Greek word…

How to lose fat according to your body type: which of the 3 body types are you?

All of us can have great bodies. We all deserve to have great bodies. But we also have genetic tendencies embedded in our bodies. This is my brief take on how to lose weight based on which of the three…

Benefits of having a personal trainer: the motivation factor

If you’ve never had a personal fitness trainer, it’s probably good to have an idea of ​​what to expect from personal training, and what to ask any potential trainer, to ensure you get a qualified trainer who understands your goals….

Binge Eating and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Beyond a physical drive for food or water, shelter, and safety, what motivates our behavior? According to the humanist psychologist Abraham Maslow, our actions are motivated to achieve certain needs. His hierarchy suggests that people are motivated to satisfy basic…

Turkey – Wattle Goozle – Got You Under My Chin

I woke up one morning and noticed something dangling under my chin. It was skin. It didn’t feel right to me, so I asked my mom about it. She was 9 years old. Mom told me it was just a…

Eat steak to get perfect abs!

Eating steak will help you get perfect abs. Fun? Yes! TRUE? Yes! Here’s how eating steak and other ‘forbidden’ foods will help you get a 6-pack marked down. Getting ripped abs is never easy, but it can be easier. low…

How to keep the nutrition in your diet healthy for weight loss

When losing weight is your first thought, it’s easy to compromise fat loss for quality nutrition. It is extremely important to learn how to maintain healthy nutrition in your weight loss diet. Cutting out protein and fat might give you…