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Health Fitness

New study provides irrefutable evidence that being overweight and pull-ups are inversely related

A new study reveals that there is an inverse relationship between being overweight and the ability to perform pull-ups. That is, an increase in one effectively decreases the other. (ie, more excess weight equals less pull-ups, and vice versa). In…

Physical health is connected to mental and emotional health

The connection between physical and mental health is undeniable. Therefore, the first step towards mental and emotional health can only begin with excellent care of your body. Your mind and your body are interrelated. Therefore, when your physical health improves,…

Abdominoplasty vs. Stomach Stapling: Do You Know the Differences?

If you are not satisfied with the appearance of your abs, there are options for you in the world of plastic surgery. With so many procedures, it’s hard to choose the right one for you. Both a tummy tuck and…

Sports Specific Weightlifting for Fighters

While speed, agility, conditioning, and technique are the primary attributes on the wrestling mat, when all of these are equal, strength can be the deciding factor. Weight training to strengthen certain commonly used muscle groups with the goal of making…

Marijuana in ancient China

Marijuana has a rich history. The legalization of medical marijuana in California through Proposition 215, and the public debate surrounding it, has sparked renewed interest in the cannabis sativa plant from which marijuana is harvested. The growing public acceptance of…

The leg extension machine controversy

Fitness industry professionals are used to lively debates. We are used to hearing researchers argue dynamics vs. static stretch. We’ve heard a lot of opinions about the best ways to build muscle: light weight, high reps or heavy weight, low…

Can you cheat on Medifast and still lose weight?

I am often asked how much is allowed to cheat on Medifast or if you will still lose weight if you cheat. Well, I guess that depends on what you mean by cheating. Because technically, I’ve been cheating on my…

5 simple and best weight loss tips to get a perfect figure

No matter where you are and what your weather conditions are, keeping your body in shape is not an easy task. This is why I have prepared a draft of some of the best weight loss tips so that you…

Walking with Heels and Ballet Boots – Fetish Footwear

Ballet heels and boots are NOT ballet shoes, they are fetish footwear designed to force wearers to point toes. These shoes are designated as “fetish footwear“For a reason, if you’re not yet able to get your foot into the toe…

Aerobics for effective weight loss

According to a recent American study, aerobic exercises are the best solution to lose weight, since they burn excess calories. That’s why aerobics remain one of the most popular ways to lose weight. Aerobic exercises not only help you lose…