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Lifestyle Fashion

Gibraltar – What to see outside the city

There is plenty to see and do outside of the obvious destinations of Gibraltar city center and even the Upper Rock. Gibraltar has a quieter and less frequented side with natural beauty and Mediterranean views that should not be missed….

Get Better Business Auto Insurance: Your Damage Protection

From accidents to injuries, owning a vehicle for business purposes carries many risks. A commercial vehicle may not be the main source of income for your business, but it can become a major source of loss if safety measures are…

Parasites, Candida, yeast infection: monsters inside me that cause itching, rashes and bed bugs

World traveler and former fitness trainer reveals the truth about parasites, candida, yeast and infections. Watch out for itchy skin and a rash, as they can reveal something under the skin. Beyond bedbugs, scratching and bodily torment can be caused…

My husband will not admit that our marriage is over, but he will not come home to save our marriage either.

I often hear from wives who feel that their marriage (and therefore their life) is in limbo. Often, her husband has been withdrawing from them and from the marriage. Sometimes the husband has come to insinuate, suggest or initiate a…

How to get to your resort from the Tampa airport

Tampa International Airport is the third largest airport in Florida, handling more than 19 million passengers in 2007, an increase of 1.5% over 2006. It is located 10 km west of the central business district from Tampa in Hillsborough County,…

How To Cure Yeast Infection: Some Of The Foods To Avoid

If you suffer from candidiasis, you should not worry too much about it. Here are some tips to heal and live a better life. One of the ways to prevent yeast infections is to avoid harmful foods. Avoid all sweets…

Law of Attraction – The Power of Positive Words

In the universe, there are two great forces at work. We know them as good and bad or positive and negative. They are two powerful forces in their own right. Similarly, there are positive words and negative words, each of…

the word alive

“To examine history is to examine the nature of power.” debord boy I’m sure you’ve heard the hype over and over again: “small businesses keep our community alive.” What is subtly omitted, however, is the question of WHO and WHAT…

How to protect new piercings while tanning

Fashion is something that practically everyone can identify with, be it a man, a woman or a child. One of the oldest fashion trends for both genders is shallow piercings. Body piercings date back to the beginning of mankind, from…

Makeup tips to hide wrinkles at 40

As you enter your 40s, your skin is the first thing that will betray your age, no matter how hard you try to stay young. Your skin is sure to lose its elasticity and glow as the skin cells weaken;…