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Law of Attraction – The Power of Positive Words

In the universe, there are two great forces at work. We know them as good and bad or positive and negative. They are two powerful forces in their own right. Similarly, there are positive words and negative words, each of which elicits opposite reactions when used by humans.

We all know how positive words can make us feel good and inspire us, and how negative words can bring us down and lead to hurt, anger, or sadness. We have seen how positive words bring people together, build nations and how negative words destroy friendships, start wars, etc. Positive words and negative words work on opposites and affect how the law of attraction manifests our thoughts.

How do we lift a discouraged person? Definitely with positive words. We don’t use negative words to lift someone’s spirits. Our mind works the same way. Positive words are food for the mind and do magic. They send strong vibrations to make our wishes come true.

The great self-development gurus use positive words to inspire and motivate people to reach their goals. When we use negative words like “can’t”, “impossible”, “maybe”, “yes”, “whatever”, the mind will register a negative tone and the vibrations we receive are minimal, if any. When we use positive words like “for everyone’s sake”, “I can”, “I will”, “thank you” and “I love you” in our daily lives, we become creative and magnetic.

Our mind vibrates and sends positive waves to the universe. When we greet someone with “Good morning,” the sentiment resonates with and affects the other person. Such is the power of positive words. Negative words are like poison. They will wear us down. The negative word is a rejection.

Just like in ordinary life, they can break a relationship and they can also do the same thing to our mind, cutting off our power of reception and denying us. To work the law of attraction, we have to get rid of negativity and start thinking and speaking differently.

To explain in an analogy, negative words are like cholesterol in the bloodstream. They stick to the walls of the arteries and slow down the flow of blood. In the end, we develop health problems like hypertension, which will lead to other complications. We have to get rid of this cholesterol in order to survive and lead a healthy and meaningful life.

But unlike bad cholesterol, negative words are easy to remove. Just don’t use them! Keeping negative words in our vocabulary is a toxin for the mind, because when we start sending our thoughts to the universe, our vibrations are hampered by the presence of these negative words, and as a result we get very weak vibrations.

People who use the law of attraction but refuse to get rid of the negativity in their thoughts end up frustrated and blamed because the law doesn’t work for them. We can’t make the law work unless we get rid of that reservoir of negativity from our vocabulary.

That is the reason why when we are angry, the sooner the anger is released, the lighter we feel in the head with a great sense of satisfaction. That is our subconscious telling us that we have gotten rid of what is simply excess baggage in our heads.

We have to regurgitate all those negative words out of our system. From now on, let’s use only beautiful and positive words. The English language has many of them.

Get rid of the feelings of hate, jealousy, bad vibrations that we have from others. They are not necessary and simply wear us out. They are nothing more than clutter in the brain and block our access for the law of attraction to work. With positive words and positive thoughts, the vibrations we send out with our thoughts will get quality manifestations and quality results.


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