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Comparison of profits of virtual wholesalers and absentee owners of Cris Chico

Cris Chico is a real estate investor from Florida who owns an education company called Flip Anywhere that offers two main products: Virtual Wholesale and Absentee Owner Earnings. The product descriptions and success stories are the same, but there is one big difference.

Let’s compare the difference between the two courses.

What is virtual wholesale?
Virtual Wholesaleing is a powerful strategy for selling wholesale real estate anywhere in the country from anywhere. All you need is a computer and a cell phone. Cris Chico shows you how to take the standard wholesale strategy to a new level. At the national level.

Virtual Wholesaling shows you how to find attractive local markets nationwide. This is helpful for those of you whose local market is tanking due to the suffering economy. The next step is to implement marketing methods to find motivated sellers. He then handles phone calls and negotiates deals with vendors. The final step is to assign your contract to local real estate investors and collect their fee.

What are absentee owner earnings?
Absentee owner profits are actually the postcard marketing method that is now part of virtual wholesale. This is the method where Cris shows you how to find motivated absentee landlords who own property but don’t live in it.

Absentee Landlord Profits shows you how to target absentee landlords who currently own distressed rental properties with problem tenants – a perfect candidate for a wholesale deal.

A quick comparison
Virtual Wholesale is the complete home study course that teaches you everything about wholesale real estate from start to finish. Benefits of the Absentee Owner is the course that teaches you the marketing strategies of Cris Chico, who is now part of Mayorista Virtual.


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