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Cure yourself with water – The water cure

Most people have already realized that medicine does not cure disease. Medicine is not necessarily bad; it just isn’t necessary. Don’t let your fear of disease make you forget that humanity wasn’t exactly dying when the pharmaceutical companies saw a financial opportunity and burst onto the scene. You need to know the facts; then, if he still chooses to be sick, it will truly be a “free choice”, and not one born of the absence of consciousness.

You are mostly water. You are made of cells (30-50 billion of them); and are mostly water. You need to replenish the water in your body to keep it cool and clean, so you can stay fresh and clean, healthy. Water cleanses you, nourishes you, energizes you, cools you, lubricates you, supports and sustains you, and is really the biggest part of who you are. And water is simply Hydrogen and Oxygen; both of which are atoms – which are simply Energy. You are Energy; but between the pure Energy and the form you have presently assumed, there is water.

When I say, “Water,” I don’t mean, “Coca cola, Gatorade, Milk, Diet Coke, orange juice, Beer, or any other liquid solution; these do not cleanse or support your body. These substances add chemicals to your body.” , which alters the way you feel Drinking water helps cleanse these chemicals and other toxins from your body and returns it to its natural state of health, a state most Americans really haven’t seen since they were very young. , very young (if that then !).

It is estimated that most Americans are chronically dehydrated. How do you know if that’s you? If you don’t drink 2-3 liters of pure water each day (about half your body weight, in ounces), you are most likely dehydrated. Even if you do, you can still be dehydrated depending on your weight and the amount of other solutions, salts, and sugars in your diet. You are mainly water; and good health is primarily based on maintaining your water level and the cleanliness or purity of the water in your body. If the water is highly charged with suspended materials, you are toxic. If it’s toxic, you’re sick, you’re overweight, or you’re on your way to both. No other options; and there is no escaping this simple reality.

“But I don’t like to drink plain water!” I hear it all the time; but what most people have been conditioned to not realize is that this statement is just a telltale light that you are addicted to the flavorings and chemicals in the beverages you consume. In the absence of true awareness, what we LIKE is what we choose. If I told you that drinking coffee would make you explode, and then the guy next to you took a big sip of coffee and exploded, I’ll bet you a dollar you’d put down your coffee cup. But what if it took you 20 years to blow up? Would you start drinking water instead of coffee today, or would you put it off in the hope that you could quit in nineteen years and not be worse off from wear and tear?

I know that the things we drink taste good; And I’m not saying they’re “bad”. But there is an obvious effect of chemicals in the things we drink; And you’re definitely not doing yourself a favor by not drinking enough water. I’m not necessarily trying to change anyone’s ways; but some of you really want to feel better and have simply never been told anything other than what you have been told, none of which contained the answers to your problems, or would not at this time. If you want different, you must think and do different; and yet most people just can’t do this, and don’t even realize it.

In the Declaration of Independence, there is a line that says: “… and, consequently, all experience has shown that mankind is more willing to suffer, while the evils are bearable, than to correct themselves by abolishing the ways to which they have been subjected”. they are accused.” I realize that words don’t teach, and that you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make that horse drink water when it could have a Diet Coke, but maybe no one ever told you what happens when you don’t drink enough water, so here goes…

If you don’t drink enough water, you could quickly experience any of the following, in any combination: dyspeptic pain, colitis pain, false appendix pain (of course, the surgery will be real…), hiatal hernia, rheumatoid arthritis pain , Low back pain, Angina, Headaches (one of the first signs of dehydration), Stress, Depression, Asthma, Allergies, Excess body weight, High blood pressure, High cholesterol, Diabetes, Fainting, Insomnia, and many other serious and not tan -Serious symptoms. If you have any of these symptoms or conditions, it may be because you did not drink enough water; and some of them could be caused by medications you’re taking for problems you might be drinking water to get rid of. Yes, you are most likely treating “thirst” with prescription drugs that only “clog your filters” (liver and kidneys) and give you the added bonus of “side effects” that could actually kill you. I’ll just drink the water, please…

The conclusion is that you are water and you need to renew yourself daily. Not doing so is often the result of ignorance and addiction; one of which should have been remedied by the last paragraph. Chronic (constant/continuous) cellular dehydration is a painful form of premature death due to symptoms and outward manifestations that, until recently, were considered diseases of “known” and unknown origins. Until you are adequately hydrated and oxygenated, you have absolutely no way of knowing what is causing your pain and illness, regardless of what you have been told about your health up to this point. you are water. You have a choice. What kind of ending do you want for your story?


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