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Flaxseed oil and depression: does it help?

The popular flaxseed oil supplement contains an essential fatty acid called alpha-linolenic acid, one of the omega-3s. However, it also appears to have some health benefits that research is only beginning to show. One of these is depression. While the conclusion is still unclear, there is evidence that omega-3s in general are somewhat effective in reducing depression. Flaxseed oil itself may not be as effective. Also, it can have a negative effect on some forms of depression. In this article I will detail each of these factors, to see if flaxseed oil is effective in combating depression.

Several recent studies have shown some decrease in depression in those whose diets contained more omega-3 than normal. Other studies have not shown a correlation. In one study, there was a decrease in depression in those who took a small amount of omega-3s, but there was no difference between the placebo group and those who took a higher dose. In other words, the lower doses actually seemed more effective. However, there is a problem with these studies.

They examined the effects of omega-3s, but not specifically flaxseed oil. Flaxseed does contain an omega-3 acid, but it’s one that the body itself must break down into more usable acids, unlike fish oil, which already contains high amounts of beneficial fatty acids.

In short, flaxseed oil is not the best option for getting omega-3s. The doctors involved in the above studies recommended the use of fish oil and not flax.

Now, there have been some anecdotal reports of users having success with flaxseed oil for their depression, so I suggest exploring it as a possibility if you’ve tried everything else. But if you are not a vegetarian, try fish oil.

One study using flaxseed oil involved bipolar patients. The study concluded that flaxseed increased mania in people with bipolar disorder, while potentially decreasing the amount of depression. The conclusion suggests the possibility of using flaxseed to treat depression while keeping it away from people with bipolar disorder.

Unfortunately, the research on flaxseed oil and depression is inconclusive. While the more potent omega-3 found in fish oil supplements has shown some ability to treat it, and flaxseed oil has some evidence for the same, there just isn’t a good indication that it’s effective for someone in this moment. . I personally recommend giving it a try for your depression if all else has failed; flaxseed oil, and perhaps fish oil failing that.


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