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Global Warming – What Can You Do About It?

During the last decade, we have heard quite emphatically about the concept of global warming. The issue has so consumed humanity that international conferences have been held with various world leaders in attendance, big money movies have been made in Hollywood, and internet blogs and forums have become hyperactive discussing the problem and its possible solutions. But then what exactly is this problem? And where do we fit in as individuals? What can we do individually to solve the problem? Most importantly, can the problem be solved?

What is global warming?

The term refers to a gradual but steady rise in the earth’s temperature on a global note. The earth has been warming since it was first formed, but in the last sixty years or so, the temperature of the atmosphere has also been rising. It is projected to reach precarious levels fairly soon if left unchecked, and this is what leads to the warming effect.

The earth has a protective layer in its atmosphere, which is made up of the four main gases: carbon dioxide, methane, water vapor, and ozone. This quartet helps to retain some of the heat that the earth receives from the sun in the earth itself. This effect is known as the greenhouse effect, a very important effect for the general sustenance of life on earth. However, in recent times there has been a great mutilation of this protective layer in the atmosphere, so the amount of heat trapped in the earth is increasing dramatically. This is what is contributing to the effect in a major way.

But what is wearing down this protective layer? There are many reasons. Increased levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere (due to cutting down trees, for example) is one factor. At the same time, there is a high proliferation of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in the atmosphere, which is causing the depletion of the ozone layer. Then there is also an increase in other harmful gases in the terrestrial environment that were previously present in a low proportion. Sulfur dioxide released from industrial smoke is a good example.

However, there are also several other causes of this effect. No one can pinpoint the effect of global warming on a single factor. There is also the fact that the solar radiation on the earth itself has been undergoing changes for a few decades now. The heat from the sun is getting hotter, and that also increases the danger.

What I can do?

It is necessary for us to take individual measures to prevent this situation. If the earth continues to warm at the rate it is now, there is a great danger that the polar ice caps will melt and water will flood the earth. And this can happen very soon.

On an individual note, we can be careful not to contribute in any way to the drastically changing atmospheric cover of the earth. We need to keep our vehicles controlled for CO2 emissions. We need to stop using products that release CFCs into our atmosphere. We have to be easy on factory effluents and smoke discharges. We need to control the rate of urbanization. We need to grow more trees.

The most important thing is that we must be vigilant and continue to spread awareness. The more people we can help sign up for this campaign, the better we can protect the earth. Global warming is something that is on our doorstep today, only collective and concerted efforts will keep this situation at bay.


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