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Hollywood bed frame: what is it?

“Hollywood” is a brand name for a metal frame system with legs on which a box spring can be placed and to which a headboard can be attached. The Hollywood Bed Frame Company began producing solid angle iron framing systems for bed frames in 1925. Like the Kleenex brand, it is synonymous with facial tissues; many people came to associate the box spring frames with the Hollywood-based company, simply calling them “Hollywood” frames. You may also hear this bed support system called “Harvard Frame”. Again, this is a case where the name of the manufacturer of the product became a household name. Harvard Manufacturing was a manufacturer of this type of bed in the 1950’s, but I don’t think this company is still in business. However, the brand name still persists.

A wide variety of frames are available; you can find some that raise your bed offering storage space and others that can lower your bed, if your mattress set is too high. Since 1925, this style of metal bed frame has become a staple of many American homes. Compared to wooden bed frames, these are generally much less expensive and offer superior support for today’s ultra-thick and often luxurious mattress sets. Mattress frames of this type can usually be found for less than $100. Additionally, frames of this type are generally easy to assemble, easy to transport, and extremely versatile. In fact, you can buy styles that adjust in width to work with all mattress sizes.

You’d be hard (or impossible) to find a wooden game for a comparable price with that kind of versatility. The Hollywood Company is still in business in Commerce, CA, but many companies today produce similar items of strong, durable angle iron. Several manufacturers with comparable products include Leggett and Platt, Mantua, Knickerbocker, and Glideaway, all with manufacturing facilities located largely in the US. This is one product that is not as attractive to import as other items due to cost to send such heavy and bulky items from abroad.


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