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Lifestyle Fashion

How to get rid of cellulite: 5 simple tips

First of all, you can’t completely. I don’t say that to discourage you, but to encourage you. The reason is that all women have it, even supermodels! That’s right, even the woman who turns mere mortals into supermodels, Tyra Banks has admitted to having cellulite.
However, do not transport.

Here are 5 simple tips you can use to get rid of cellulite [http://www.LoseYourCellulite.com].

Simple tip no. 1: Working out.

Your best bet is to combine cardio training with strength training for a double whammy.

Running and stair climbing should be an important part of your cardio to fight cellulite.

When it comes to strength training, you want to build muscle in the areas that are likely to be affected, such as your butt, thighs, and abdomen.

Squats, push-ups, sit-ups, and inverted crunches are your best bet.

Simple tip no. 2: You must drink a lot of water! Approximately 1 to 2 liters a day to eliminate toxins that can cause cellulite.

Fat cells surround toxins as a way to protect your body. One way to lose the fat cells that surround the toxins is to lose the toxins, of course.

In addition, staying hydrated is important for the appearance of the skin, it keeps the muscles fuller and of course, it cleanses the system.

Simple tip no. 3: Body brushing helps.

It’s very simple. The best place to do this is in the shower, since you’re already naked anyway.

You want to brush in an upward, circular motion toward your heart. This promotes circulation and blood flow, as well as a detoxifying effect as it stimulates the lymphatic system.

Simple tip no. 4: Eat lots of green vegetables like broccoli, which is great for flushing out toxins.

Obviously, entire books on diet can and have been written, so I can’t go over them all here, but the best diet for cellulite and fat reduction is one that is made up mostly of vegetables, particularly raw ones.

Well tip 5 is not that simple.

Not so simple tip # 5: After trying exercise and a good diet with no positive results in the loss of cellulite dimples, the last resort is lip sucking. There are some caffeinated creams that can mask the appearance of cellulite, but surgery is usually the last resort.
The downside is that the cost is usually at least $ 5,000 and up.

Additional tip n. 6: Become happy with yourself as you are. Read self-help books or see a therapist. There is no better feeling than being happy with yourself. Go find the great book “Psycho Cybernetics” and apply what you learn to develop killer self-confidence.

Cellulite may be the least of your problems on a grand scale.


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