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How to spend Christmas with Jesus this year

Life is full of distractions. It’s so easy to lose sight of what’s most important.

And with Christmas just around the corner, I remember this now more than ever.

The urgent tasks of today have a way of crowding out the ultimate priorities of eternity.

Christmas is about Christ. It can take intentionality to realize this: a conscious effort, by the grace and power of God, to eliminate distractions and focus on the reason for the season.

How are you going to do this Christmas?

Take a few minutes right now and plan How will you focus on Jesus this year?

Here’s one way to do it: Read the Bible passages about the birth of Jesus.

Are here:

Matthew 1:18-25

Matthew 2:1-23

Luke 1:1-80

Luke 2:1-40

You could read one passage each day for the four days leading up to Christmas. Or you can read all four passages on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. If you’ve never done this before, start a new tradition for yourself and/or your family. Decide on a place and time and have different family members read the different parts. In the passages in Luke, for example, you will need someone to read the words of the angel, Zacharias, Elizabeth, Mary, and Simeon.

Before the reading, offer a prayer that asks God to “Open my/our eyes, that I/we may see wonderful things” about Jesus in His Word (Psalm 119:18).

And after reading, take time to reflect and meditate on the passages by answering a few simple but life-changing questions:

What does this passage teach me about God (Father, Son, and/or Holy Spirit)?

What does this passage teach about God’s promises?

What is my response to these teachings?

Write your responses in a journal or discuss them with your family. Start a new tradition in your home where you read these passages each year. What a great way to remember, celebrate and meditate on what this holiday is all about.

What are you saying? He’s maybe wanted to do something like this for years, but he’s been reluctant to do it. Procrastination has a way of eluding the best of plans. If so, now is the time to take action and establish a new practice to bring Jesus into your life or the life of your family.

God promises to bless the reading of His Word. “As the rain and snow come down from heaven and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it sprout and flourish, and it gives seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so is my word that goes out of my mouth: It will not return empty to me, but will do what I desire and accomplish the purpose for which I feel it” (Isaiah 55:10-11). Certainly He would love to do it for you this Advent season.

Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones!


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