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Hydrates and exfoliates your most important organ, your skin

Our skin is a complex organ that takes up most of the human body, but we often take it for granted when we overexpose it to the sun, soak it in extreme temperatures without moisture, expose it to lotions layered with perfumes and chemicals, and fail. . to clean it by exfoliating, removing dead skin cells that accumulate on the skin and cause dullness, itching, rashes and wrinkles. Our skin shows how healthy we are inside.

Did you know that your skin is your first line of defense against infection, dehydration, injury, extreme temperatures, chemical absorption, and harmful substances? Skin cells (two billion to three billion shed daily) play a huge role in the color, texture, feel, look, feel, and quality of skin. Skin cells are constantly changing and shedding.

Take care of your skin using a scrub, a natural body scrub that includes healthy ingredients such as Epsom Salt, Olive Oil and Honey. All of which contribute to vibrant, clean, smooth, hydrated and exfoliated skin. Stay away from products that contain harsh chemicals, synthetic dyes, parabens, perfumes, and other toxic fragrances.

According to the Epsom Salt Council, Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) removes toxins, softens skin, improves nutrient absorption, improves oxygen, and reduces inflammation. Epsom salt is used to remove blackheads and improves skin color, texture, complexion, and quality.

Olive oil, used in many high-end cosmetics, contains many antioxidants and antibacterial ingredients not found in other oils. Antioxidants protect cells from external forces (sun exposure and damage, pollution, wind, and damaging temperatures). Common antioxidants are vitamins A, C, E, and beta-carotene. Japanese researchers (Dr. Masamitsu Ichihashi from Kobe University School of Medicine) found that applying high-quality olive oil to the skin after sunbathing reduces the risk of developing tumors. According to the International Olive Council, olive oil contains antioxidants (vitamin E, carotenoids, phenolic compounds and complex phenols) and contributes greatly to the prevention of certain diseases and aging.

Honey is known throughout the world for having strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Perhaps this is why you see honey in the ingredients of so many acne treatments and skin care products. According to the University of Waikato in New Zealand, the sugar and water molecules in honey bind together so tightly that few water molecules are left to bind to nearby bacteria, which is a cause of acne.


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