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New Moon Manifestation Ceremony – Manifest Your Biggest Dreams

The cycle of the moon is 28 days and it has a powerful effect on our energies. While the full moon completes this cycle and brings the energies of completion, completion, change, and release of those things that no longer serve us, the new moon brings the energies of creation, birth, rebirth, and manifestation.

One of the best ways to honor, acknowledge and use this energy to its fullest benefit is to create a New Moon Ceremony. There are many ways to create a ceremony for this purpose, as I share the new moon ceremony I enjoy each month with my twin flame, Boyd Campbell, I want you to follow your own guidance and intuition to create a new moon ceremony that resonates with you. If this resonates with you, great! If not, make your own changes until it does, or create something completely new.

You can perform this ceremony with others or alone, and it is very powerful, especially when it becomes a regular part of your monthly spiritual cycle. Your intentions will change as you grow, so doing this each month will keep your intentions clear and focused, bringing renewed dedication. This ceremony is a natural progression after the full moon release ceremony.

The new moon is a time to reflect and become clear and focused on what we want to create and manifest in our lives. Then let’s get started!

What you will need:

  • Sage or Sage Incense
  • One or more of the following; Jasmine incense, clove incense, sage incense, patchouli incense, cinnamon incense, lavender incense, vanilla incense, musk incense, amber incense, frankincense, lilac incense, sandalwood incense, cedar
  • Pen
  • Himalayan salt (on a plate)
  • water (in a plate)
  • white candle
  • Citrine crystals (2)
  • Clear quartz crystals (2)
  • Paper with a pen or pencil to write on
  • Blur shell or plate
  • lighter or matches

1. To begin, use your sage to blur the ceremony area and yourself, including your sacred space/altar. Both white sage and white sage incense will work. By smudging with salvia, you are cleansing all negative energies and leaving your space and aura clean, a clean slate for your manifestation ceremony.

2. Now select any incense or combination of incense that resonates with you for this ceremony. Light them and leave them on throughout the ceremony.

Financial and material manifestations (money matters, possessions such as a new house):

Sage, mint, basil, clove, jasmine, patchouli, or cinnamon

Health and Wellness (cure physical ailments, increase energy, promote vitality):

Amber, Frankincense, sage, lavender, lilac or cinnamon

Love and relationships (heal a relationship, attract your soul mate, make yourself more attractive): cinnamon, jasmine, musk, lavender, vanilla or patchouli

Spiritual Growth: sandalwood, jasmine, musk, cedar, lavender or anise

Damage Protection: frankincense or sage

Strength and courage: lavender, musk or cinnamon

Fertility: patchouli or musk

3. Now it is time to set up your altar/sacred space. I like to incorporate all four elements; earth, water, fire and air. I do this by placing a cup of water (water), a cup of Himalayan salt (earth), a feather (air), and lighting my white candle (fire). The white candle symbolizes universal consciousness, purity, truth, unity, happiness and spirituality – divine connection.

4. Citrine and Clear Quartz – great crystals for a manifestation ceremony. Arrange your crystals on your altar/sacred space as you see fit. Boyd and I like to arrange them in a square pattern that represents the four directions. Citrine is a main stone of manifestation, imagination and personal will. With the power of the sun, it is energizing and life-giving, clearing the mind and moving the soul to action. Clear Quartz is a high vibration crystal that helps with concentration, increased awareness, inspiration, and creativity. It is also an amplifier, so it amplifies the power of your intention and the power of Citrine crystals.

5. Now take a few moments to be still and meditate. You can invite your guides, angels, ascended masters, or anyone else you want to be there with you. When you are ready, write on a piece of paper what you want to manifest. Make a list of what you want to create in your life. Think big, these are your dreams! The new moon is a perfect time to manifest what you feel is out of reach, don’t be afraid to create your vision here. These are more than just words on a piece of paper, by writing down your intentions you are committing to co-create with the universe. You are opening doors and setting your dreams in motion. At the top of the paper, write: “I openly accept these things in my life, or even better than I have imagined, for the highest good of all involved. So be it.”

6. A big part of being successful with your new moon manifestations is keeping them at the forefront of your consciousness. Keep them in a visible place, or in your bag or wallet. Journal about your progress.

7. Make adjustments to your list as the month goes by, it’s natural for your wishes to change over time. Mark the things you have received. You may find it helpful to make a vision or dream collage of images that illustrate what you are manifesting, and be sure to spend time looking at it each day, focusing on how you FEEL when you imagine you already have these things.

8. Each month you will renew this list in a repeated new moon manifestation ceremony, thus re-dedicating your intentions.

Important factors to consider:

  • For those of you who are attuned to Reiki, use your Reiki during the ceremony and if you have been attuned to the Reiki Symbols, draw them on your paper.

  • For those of you who know how to create crystal grids, put this list on a grid and keep it charged.


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