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Salt and the candida diet

Salt is the mother of all spices. You’ve never heard of a paprika shaker, have you? It is so well known and widely used that it even deserves its own adjective; salty. Salt, if used in moderation, is excellent for enhancing the flavor of food. However, salt is often attacked because when used in excess it can be a contributing factor to high blood pressure, which in turn can lead to other serious health problems. While I believe that a moderate amount of salt in your diet is not harmful and makes eating much more enjoyable, the use of salt can be problematic for those on the Candida diet.

The Candida diet is used to treat a condition called yeast infection. This condition is characterized by an overgrowth of yeast (Candida) in the intestinal system. Candida is typically a benign microorganism that is an integral part of a healthy intestinal system, but external factors help turn this benign microorganism into an opportunistic one. When Candida becomes opportunistic, it causes a wide range of seemingly unrelated health problems throughout the body. Numerous external factors, such as overuse of antibiotics, birth control, diets rich in processed / sugary foods, and stress, contribute to yeast infection. In reality, these external factors create an imbalance that often kills the beneficial bacteria in the gut system that keep Candida in check. Coincidentally, while beneficial bacteria are being killed, Candida is being fed by poor dietary choices and continues to flourish. The goal of the Candida diet is to restore the body’s delicate intestinal balance by significantly reducing the food supply of Candida. This causes the Candida to die and the beneficial bacteria can be reintroduced through probiotics. The Candida diet eliminates processed / sugary foods, all forms of sugar, glutinous grains, and even fruits in the early stages. Salt causes problems in the diet due to the additives it usually contains.

When I say salt I mean common table salt. This always makes me think of the Morton’s Salt container that we always had in the closet when we were kids. This salt can be problematic for Candida dieters because it contains dextrose, which is a form of sugar. Also, dextrose is generally derived from corn. While corn is allowed in moderation in the diet, many people with yeast infections also have food allergies / sensitivities, and if corn is one of them, continued use of salt is not beneficial. So is all salt off-limits on the Candida diet? The answer is no. The diet recommends using sea salt without additives. Reading the label is a must when choosing sea salt because many varieties contain the same prohibited ingredients found in regular table salt. Look for a brand whose only ingredient is sea salt. I don’t think sea salt is necessarily better for you than regular table salt, but the fact that it contains no additives makes it a better choice for the Candida diet. Even sea salt should be used in moderation, so remember that just because it’s a Candida diet-compatible alternative to regular table salt doesn’t mean it should be overused.

For more information on the Candida diet, visit Yeast Free Living.


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