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The Law of Attraction: Fact or Nonsense?

The book “The Secret” and then the movie apparently had an immediate and immense effect on many people’s lives and today a large number of business training courses refer to it and recommend it even if it is not actually part of the grade.

However, how long did this effect last? How many people are actually capable of manifesting the Law of Attraction in their everyday lives? I doubt many people are capable of doing it. In fact, I read that about 97% of people find that The Secret doesn’t seem to work for them.

How frustrating for all of them! Everything was delivered in such a way that it looks so wonderful and so simple too? Why then are so few people able to attract what they want into their lives? Is The Law of Attraction, The Secret, just a myth or nonsense?

I remember when I saw the movie, I was excited and very excited. I was full of hope that by tomorrow my world would have changed so when it didn’t I got frustrated and blamed the movie, myself, the Universe and God for not delivering what sounded so incredible and so easy to achieve.

The point is, The Secret, possibly unintentionally, indicated or at least hinted that all one had to do to attract things into life was to want them badly. It all seemed as if The Secret was the answer to all of life’s problems and would bring an end to all human suffering.

Reflecting on this, it seems obvious to me that if, in fact, it were as simple as that, then we would not find the World and the Human Race in the horrible mess it is in today where violence against the planet itself and other beings humans has become normal.

The truth is that The Secret is not the answer, it is not the end of the road, it is, in fact, only the beginning of the journey towards freedom from suffering and peace of mind.

I believe that we need to investigate the whole concept of The Law of Attraction in a more responsible and less reactive way if we want to harness its incredible power and bring some harmony to this world.

The first thing is that if we are going to accept that The Law of Attraction is a Universal Law then we need to know it in our very essence; it is not good to just think or believe it. We need to KNOW it at a very deep level, otherwise it will be almost impossible to manifest it.

So we need to see that if such a law exists, then it is unlikely that it will only work for positive things. That is, it will attract negative, unwanted, unwanted things just as easily as it attracts good, healthy, positive abundance.

If we can see and accept this to some degree as a starting point, let’s take a look at the scenario where we try to use The Secret to manifest good or abundance in our lives. This is what happened to many of us. We tried using the methods of the Secret and did not notice immediate results. We waited maybe a few days, but probably a few hours for things to start happening, probably filling our minds with questions like “When will it happen?”, “Why isn’t it happening?” and such. Well, can you see that these are all negative thoughts that will generate negative emotions? So what is the Law of Attraction going to look like? Negativity obviously, so what will be attracted? You got it, I’m sure, more negative stuff.

Then, a few hours or days later, you are attracting more negative energy because of your impatience and your desire for things to happen fast and you get frustrated or angry, which simply attracts more of the same, meaning more and more negativity.


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