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What are SMART goals?

Each year, many work teams set goals for the coming year, and leadership teams determine their goals for their organizations. During the goal and objective setting process, the term SMART goal is often used without much thought as to what it can mean as an overall roadmap. SMART goals are a way to not only decide what to do, but also how to do it in a way that can be easily tracked to determine whether or not progress is being made and when goals are achieved. In this type of goal, SMART stands for: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Based.

Specific Describes the details of what is to be accomplished in a clear and simple way. The objective must be easy to understand and well defined so that it can be achieved. Unclear goals are easily misunderstood and therefore usually do not achieve the desired results. Being specific answers the question of what needs to be done so that appropriate action can be taken.

Measurable uses quantifiable terms to compare where the goal is to reaching the desired goal. Establishing performance criteria to measure the goal will allow for changes during the goal period to manage the process and stay on track toward meeting the goal. Using a defined tracking method shows how much will be gained by achieving the goal and encourages continuous improvement.

Reachable it means that the goal is within the skill and capacity of those involved, while stretching their collective talents to achieve the most desirable goal. It means that the defined goal is both possible and realistic and remains a challenge for the organization and its people. Having a goal that pushes people and allows opportunities for growth often leads to very valuable business results.

Important indicates that the goal is not only within the reach of skill levels, but also has meaning and is directly related to the purpose or vision of those who are responsible for achieving the goal. Relevance means that everyone involved can understand how they influence the goal and how it affects them. When a goal is relevant to those involved, it increases commitment and makes reaching the goal a highly motivating tool.

based on time defines a period to meet the measures in the goal or a deadline to achieve the overall goal. Having a set time frame allows for a frequency to monitor progress, stay on track, make adjustments to reach the overall goal, and gain momentum with each milestone along the goal path. Without a time-based element to the finish, it will be impossible to make a specific plan.

Use the SMART acronym to set goals that are: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Based. SMART goals can be used as an effective way to decide what to do next year and where to make changes if tracked goals aren’t progressing as desired. During the process of setting annual goals or objectives, be sure to use the SMART goal definition when working on a plan for the future of a team or organization.


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