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What are the secrets of guys who are naturally good with women? Here is something that will help

Have you ever wondered why some men never fight women and always get what they want? You may believe that these guys have natural talents or that God has given them good looks, but that’s not always the case.

In fact! A lot of these guys used to be pretty bad when it came to attracting women at some point in their lives, but you see they did something that took their game to the next level. Read on to discover some of the things these guys do that always get them the desired results with a woman…

They do what they fear most all the time:

Do you know that these guys always do what makes them uncomfortable even when it’s really hard? They approach the prettiest woman in the room, even when they know they have a high chance of being rejected and might even face public humiliation, but they do it anyway.

It is often said that you can never know if you will succeed or fail at something unless you do it first. Therefore, these guys have a habit of doing the hardest thing even when they don’t feel like it.

They take all rejection as feedback.

There are two types of guys out there. One guy who will give up completely the moment he faces rejection from a woman and the other guy who treats everything as feedback and doesn’t really take it personally.

Guys who are effective with women take any rejection as feedback to up their game before moving on to the next woman.

They don’t really follow the world’s rules and they don’t care what others think of them.

This is the most important trait that almost all men who are good with a woman tend to have. They never care too much about what the world thinks of them, and in the process they never alter their personalities to suit other people’s needs.

They follow their own personal rules and have no need to please anyone. This very attitude is extremely attractive in the eyes of a woman and this is the reason why these men never struggle to attract the type of woman they want in their life.

They never chase women –

Another vital trait that these men have is that they never chase women no matter what. They strictly make sure that they never go into chase mode, as the moment you start chasing a woman, you’re just setting yourself up for massive failure.


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