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What does it mean when a guy wants you to trust him? Understand the real motive behind it

Do you get confused every time your guy asks you to trust him? What about trust anyway? Well, trust is vital in relationships. It makes the relationship more secure. So if you’re wondering what it means when a guy wants you to trust him, the following will enlighten you on what he’s really doing:

Meaning #1: They want you to feel safe.
Trusting someone is equivalent to being sure of oneself. So when your guy wants you to trust him, it means he wants you to trust not only yourself, but him as well. He wants you to know that there is nothing he can do to break that trust.

Meaning #2: You want to have a long-term relationship.
No relationship can last long without trust. The fact that a guy wants you to trust him means that he wants your relationship to be long term. Also, you must remember that no relationship will ever survive without trust. So, you should be glad that your guy wants you to trust him because he is most likely preparing to spend the rest of his life with you.

Meaning #3: He wants to start a relationship with you
If the guy asking you to trust him is not your boyfriend, he most likely wants to start a relationship with you. Trust is the foundation of a relationship, and no relationship can begin and flourish without the trust factor.

Meaning #4: He doesn’t want your relationship to break up.
You can always hear stories of failed relationships due to lack of trust. Your boy doesn’t want the same thing to happen between you two. Since he asked you to trust him, all he wants is for you to keep your faith in him and not start a breakup.

Meaning #5: He wants your relationship to be happy.
Imagine being in a relationship where your guy doesn’t trust you. It looks horrible, right? If this is the case, then you must realize that a happy relationship consists of two individuals who trust each other. Nobody wants a relationship full of drama.

Meaning #6: He wants open communication with you.
You wouldn’t tell your guy intimate stuff if you don’t trust him. When a guy expresses his desire for you to trust him, he wants to convey that he needs you to open up to him and tell him everything that concerns you both. He is also opening himself up so you can tell him things, even if they might hurt him personally.

Meaning #7: He won’t do anything to hurt you.
Trusting someone implies that you trust that they will not hurt you. Therefore, if your guy has asked you to trust him, then you can be sure that he will not break your heart in the future. Also, hearing those words from a guy also means that he won’t try to break the trust you’ve given him.


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