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Why reincarnation is a better incentive than religion

According to a recent study, the majority of Americans believe that it is important to follow the Ten Commandments.

The study found that “American adults in general are more likely to say that each commandment is ‘an important principle to live by’ rather than an unimportant principle. The major commandments that are still accepted as important in America today day: do not murder (91%), do not steal (90%), do not bear false witness (88%), do not commit adultery (81%), honor father and mother (77%), and do not covet someone else’s possessions person (73%). The least popular commandment for the modern meaning is to keep the Sabbath holy (47%), according to the survey, which asked Americans about the translation of the Ten Commandments from the King James Bible. “

The study also found that Christians and people who identify as atheists or agnostics mostly agree on the importance of “You shall not kill”, You shall not steal “and” You shall not bear false witness. “

However, they disagreed on “Honor (obey) your father and mother”: 50% agnostic / atheist, 71% religious non-Christian, 88% Christian.

They also differed over others, such as “You shall not commit adultery”: 72% agnostic / atheist, 75% religious non-Christian, 87% Christian.

The study suggests that religion is not necessary to encourage good behavior or to be a virtuous human being.

However, most people understand the importance of doing the right thing, but not all people do the right thing in all situations.

What would encourage everyone to be more likely to do the right thing more often, even when it might be difficult to do it?

Acceptance of the probability of reincarnation and karma, based on the vast evidence supporting it (such as Dr. Ian Stevenson’s work with past life memories of children, for example).

Many people freely and unconsciously associate the word karma with all kinds of circumstances, but do not understand that it is usually linked to reincarnation.

When you accept reincarnation and karma, you understand that everything you do will come back to you, and it may not be so in this life, so you are more aware of your actions and words. It’s about personal responsibility.

Accepting these two concepts makes everyone responsible; You can’t just do what you want and then get a free pass by asking your God for forgiveness, by confessing to a priest, or by manipulating the “womb” and magically “rising above” karma without having to balance it directly.

Countless people, from all over the world and from all religions, including many former atheists, who had a near death experience will tell you that there really is life after life, and that we really do reincarnate. They will also tell you that reincarnation and karma affect everyone, regardless of their beliefs. You don’t need to believe in it if you choose not to, but what is the harm in acting as if all actions are going back to the sender? http://spiritualgrowthnow.com/insight-from-the-other-side-through-ndes-part-1-of-9/

Can you imagine a world in which everyone was taught from a young age the importance of reincarnation? And then if you experienced a past life regression, this would lead you to an understanding, to a knowing; They would perceive for themselves, and be surprised in the process, how their actions in past lives are influencing their current life.

Radical honesty would replace lying and cheating in relationships, for example. Everyone would know that the great audience on the “other side” is watching them, their deeds recorded forever, and how their words and actions contribute to their future destiny.

With everyone (aside from a few sociopaths and psychopaths) on their best behavior at all times, relationships could change quite a bit because they would be less damaged and driven by selfish desires or agendas.

We wouldn’t have to worry so much about theft because everyone would know they wouldn’t get away with it, from a spiritual perspective.

Those in need would greatly benefit because charity and the incentive to give would increase dramatically. I would see many more unpublished competitions of who could donate the most to various charities.

Politics would change drastically because bad eggs on both sides would be forced to put aside their political biases, be honest for a change, and put their country and people first, rather than their own selfish desires. Corrupt politicians would think twice about looting their country.

Those prone to drug and alcohol abuse or other addictions would have another incentive to abstain, as they would not want to carry that problem into future lives and would have to work on it over and over and over again.

You don’t need to believe in reincarnation to be a good person. But if you live your life as if it were true, you will help make the world a better place.

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