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Digital Marketing

Facts about allopathic medicine

The Allopathic Medicine system refers to the medical practices used during a particular period of history. Allopathy is a conventional treatment method for treating diseases with remedies that produce completely different effects than those caused by the disease itself. The…

Postcolonial narratives about literature

Postcolonialism began with the liberation of the colonies from the colonial yoke. Postcolonialism marked the death of colonial literature and the beginning of colonized literature. This article seeks to examine the wounds and teeth made by settlers in the liberated…

Freelance Writing: How to Become Super Successful

Freelance writing is the number of writers making money. Writing books is also great, but the income may not be steady enough to live on or may not be enough. That’s why many writers turn to freelance writing to ensure…

7 effective ways to increase Instagram followers without spending money

Instagram has more than half a billion active users. The statistics on Instagram could be described as very impressive and encouraging. A small breakdown will surprise you and at the same time will excite you. Instagram has over 500 million…

How mobile engagement can be used to reshape the hospitality industry

Smartphones dominate our attention throughout the day. They have come to change the very nature of how we interact with the world around us, including the way we do business. When it comes to the travel and hospitality space, mobile…

The (un)impressive life of fake Instagram influencers

Tales from the Crypt of Online Marketing #11 Why You’ll Never Get Millions Of Followers On Instagram (Unless You Fake It) Are you like me and can be impressed quite easily? Or does Shania Twain’s song “That Don’t Impress Me…

Website design with website templates

Designing a website in one project It usually takes a lot of time and usually takes a lot of project time and prevents the development of the secondary features of the website. But if you want to have your own,…

10 years in 1 day: how did it happen?

Picture this: You fell asleep at a coworker’s New Year’s party and you’ve recently woken up. Only thing is, it was December 31, 20010 when you showed up, but now that you look at the time on the kitchen wall,…

Commercial print modeling vs. editorial print modeling

When you think of or hear the word “commercial” in connection with the modeling industry, there are a few variations of the meaning, but in the most practical way in connection with “print” photography, think of the word “promote.” The…

How to Market on Facebook: Understanding the Audience Structure

Are you looking for an effective Facebook marketing strategy that will make you see more conversions? There are several ways to cash in on this social media platform without breaking the bank. You can easily become a trusted authority by…