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Lifestyle Fashion

Ways to Cure Acne: The Best Ways to Clear Your Acne

Acne is one of the most common diseases in the world. It is a skin condition in which the oil gland follicle becomes blocked and inflammation occurs in the skin due to trapped skin oil (sebum). It commonly occurs in…

10 of the fastest ways to clear a stuffy nose

If you don’t know how to stop a stuffy nose, all you need to do is try some of the techniques below and you will surely find some relief. Step 1: keep your head elevated. When in bed, be sure…

Heating and cooling your log home

Needless to say, our ancestors did not care too much about heating their log cabins. The large fireplaces had no problem heating one or two rooms they lived in. Of course, now that log houses are the size of a…

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Treatment for Acne Scars

PRP or platelet rich plasma, which is sometimes also known as growth factor rich plasma (PRGF), platelet gel, and platelet concentrate (PC), is a high concentration of platelets suspended in minute amounts of plasma. Simply put, PRP is platelet-rich blood…

Using sex and masturbation to reward yourself with nature’s source of intentional pleasure

Let’s talk about sex. Sex is part of a series of important tasks that humans are naturally driven to perform. All of these tasks are focused on staying alive. Tasks are so basic that people in more developed countries don’t…

Salt and the candida diet

Salt is the mother of all spices. You’ve never heard of a paprika shaker, have you? It is so well known and widely used that it even deserves its own adjective; salty. Salt, if used in moderation, is excellent for…

4 Best Home Remedies to Cure Yeast Infection – Safe Ways to Get Rid of That Smell Very Fast

Although generally not life-threatening, yeast infection can be quite uncomfortable with the white cheese discharge, incessant itching, and accompanying burning sensation in the vagina. There are many over-the-counter medications available on the market today. Generics are safe to use and…

Inside The Oscars – Aura of Nominee Leonardo Dicaprio

All of the nominees for the Academy Awards for Best Actor have delivered outstanding performances … on the surface. They spoke their lines in a credible way, they developed an interesting character, they got the voice, the walk, the look….

Tampons and infertility: any connection?

Have you ever taken the time to wonder why a society that spends so much on healthcare and has access to the best healthcare in the world is being invaded by a massive increase in disease? Why do 20% of…

Hair La Vie Review – Does It Really Work Or Is It Just An Exaggeration?

Hair loss, receding hairline, thinning and thinning hair are problems suffered by millions of men and women of all ages around the world. In fact, every month thousands of men and women turn to Google in search of the latest…