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Lughnasad – An ancient pagan festival

Lughnasad (Loo-na-sa), or Lammas, is an ancient pagan festival celebrating the first harvest of grain and corn. The name “Lammas” comes from Anglo-Saxon origin and means “bread dough”, a celebration of bread made from the first grain harvest. The hard work in the fields is over and the time has come to celebrate the harvest with games and banquets.

Lughnasad honors the Celtic god Lugh, whose name means “bright.” He is often equated with the Sun God. Lugh is credited with inventing certain Celtic skills and games, such as ball games, horse riding, and fidehell (an ancient Celtic board game). Celebrants spend the day with sports and games of skill, and honor the significance of the season with freshly baked bread and beer.

In ancient times, the success or failure of the harvest determined whether or not one could survive the winter. Today, most of us don’t live off the land and we no longer have to fear that there won’t be enough food to get us through the winter. Instead, we plant projects and ideas instead of crops. Lughnasad is the time when we bring our projects to life and reap the rewards of our efforts.

In the Wiccan tradition, the First Harvest begins the season of sacrifice, when the grain of the harvest must die in order to provide food. The last sheaf of corn may be saved and made into an effigy to represent the spirit of corn and the harvest (sometimes called John Barleycorn). The effigy is placed in the center of the feast table and then plowed into the ground again the following spring when the fields are prepared for the planting of new crops, so that the spirit of the sun and the corn do not die.

After the harvest season, the daylight is visibly fading, and the mature Lord of Forest and Field becomes more of the Wise Sage and his awareness of power begins to shift from the outside in. The pregnant Mother Goddess rules alongside Him as they both enjoy Nature’s bounty this harvest season.


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