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The best firewood – Tips for finding quality wood

Many people are looking for the best possible firewood for their homes. With the cost of just about everything rising, it’s easy to see why people want good, long-lasting firewood. With this thought in mind, we have put together a list of tips for things to consider:

1. Hardwoods burn longer and brighter.

Many softwoods will sell for less, but this is because they are less dense and offer less fuel to burn. If you plan on burning a fair amount of wood, there is no substitute for hardwoods. The most popular choices are oaks such as live oak. These are great for increasing the BTUs of your fire.

2. Plan your lumber purchase a year in advance for maximum benefit.

There is no substitute for the value of seasoning firewood. This process involves letting the natural elements (sun, wind, and air) dry out the wood. If you allow the wood to dry out, it will burn much longer and be a more effective kindling. For this reason, it is a good idea to buy the wood at least 1 year in advance.

3. If weather is an issue this year, opt for softwoods over hardwoods.

Since the drying of firewood will take about 1 year for hardwoods and about 6 months for softwoods, you should go for softwoods if you are short on time. These woods are more likely to give you better fuel to burn if the wood is not seasoned properly.

4. Always buy more than you think you need and store it properly.

Many new users of firewood are surprised at how much wood they actually use. For this reason, you should always try to buy more wood than you think you need. You should also store this wood in a good firewood rack for better seasoned wood. Also, place a cover over the wood to keep it dry from rain and snow in the winter months. This will help ensure that the wood remains dry and free of fungus and mold growth. However, the cover should still allow enough circulation to get the benefits of the seasoning and should not be used during other times of the year.


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