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Tips for experiencing your first Safari

Great Safari preparations equal great Safari experiences!

Preparations on clothes

One area that is the main source of devastating safari experiences is clothing. When preparing for a safari in Kenya, it is essential that you carefully consider the type and style of clothing you bring with you.

  • Some of the factors you need to consider include the weather patterns of the various safari locations you will be visiting in Kenya. This is because different regions of Kenya experience different types of weather conditions.
  • For example, on the coast, it is very hot and humid for most of the year. On the other hand, in most of the Rift Valley and western provinces, the climate is relatively cool with a substantial amount of rainfall throughout the year with occasional cold spells.

Therefore, it is advisable to wear appropriate clothing for the different locations on the safari. Some of the items that I have found useful include trench coats, shorts, scarves, T-shirts, jeans, and a piece or two of formal wear in case I am invited to official functions during my safari getaways. Also, being a relatively conservative nation, it’s a good idea to moderate the type of clothing you wear. This is more applicable for female safari enthusiasts.

shoe preparations

Shoes are particularly important when you plan to take part in safari treks, hunting, and climbing and caving adventures. You don’t want to go hunting in your million-dollar Gucci shoes or explore caves in your stilettos. Not only will they be damaged, but they can also seriously injure your legs and bones.

  • Invest in good safari shoes. I have found running shoes to do the trick. This is because they are built for these types of activities. There are a variety of shoe brands that have stood the test of time, such as Nike Safari running shoes. An avid user of running shoes, they are ideal for walks and jogs and can effectively withstand the strain of safari adventures.
  • Remember, proper clothing and good shoes while on safari equal comfort, flexibility and agility to engage in various safari adventures, including hunting, thus enriching your safari experiences.

Preparing for your Safari photos

Since going on an African safari and in this case a Kenyan safari is a lifelong dream, you should take your safari memories with you by taking as many photos as you can. Although there are a variety of relatively affordable cameras sold in Kenya’s major towns and cities, having your own camera at home is more convenient. This ensures that you not only have the right kind of cameras and devices to capture all the exciting safari experiences, but also that you have quality photos and videos to store and share with friends.

There are a wide variety of brands of cameras that you can use during and after your safari.

Preparations for your luggage

Lost luggage is a common occurrence among safari enthusiasts. Most of the time, lost luggage is due to poor preparation.

  • Instead of taking everything you own on a safari, just stick to one or two bags containing the most essential things. This means investing in quality bags that ensure your stuff is safe and in good condition.
  • There are numerous handbag brands that you can invest in based on your budget, needs, and style.

Additional Item Preparations

When you’re on safari, there are items you can take with you that enrich your safari experiences. This includes

  • Binocular; look beyond the horizon
  • Compass; To find your way in the Kenyan jungle
  • Flash disk; for additional storage of your photos, etc.,
  • Clock; to help you stick to your safari itinerary
  • Map; to find your way when in new places


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